Thursday, February 19, 2009

My 2 Cents

Is it just me, or does it seem like our country is being taken from us bit by bit, piece by piece. We are no being told, by the messiah, that we hard working, logical thinking Americans that chose not to over extend themselves by going out and buying a $300,000 house on a $40,000 or less yearly salary; that we have to help bail out the dumb-shits that did choose to do so. And yes, if you come up to me and tell me that your house is going into foreclosure because you were stupid enough to buy a house during one of the most worse times to buy a house without the ability to fully comprehend the paper work that you were signing, I will call you a dumb-shit to your face and probably much more. Now, I don't think that you are to blame for our country's current state; I do think you had a hand in it. NO, I think the number one reason our country is so F@%$ed  up right now is complacency. 

Americans have allowed their government to stop working for the people. Americans are not holding politicians acountable for their actions. We should not be answering to them, but they should be answering to us, asking us what we want them to do, and not what will fill their own pockets. The government was designed as a series of checks and balances, one branch was not stronger than the others. Now we have judges making laws, senators be bought by large corporations so that they can get a huge government contract, and Presidents that have no substantial experience in running a successful business. And we allow these jackasses to run the most powerful country in the world!!! Are we bent?!! 

We, as a nation, have strayed so far from what our founding fathers wanted this country to be in my opinion, and that's all that counts on this page. I mean how many people can recite the preamble to the US Constitution? How about the first few lines of the Declaration Of Independence? Ok, ok, those might be somewhat difficult. How about the Bill of Rights? Yeah I know, everybody knows the 2nd amendment. But how about the third? Fifth? Tenth? I would be willing to bet that not many people can name but two or three. And if that is the case, then how do we know if the government is over stepping their bounds? Oh,... Our representatives will have our better interests in mind? Not if it will cost them their position, stature, or even worse, MONEY! 

I will leave you with that for now. But answer me this... Why have 21 of our states recently passed legislation for sovereignty, the tenth amendment just in case you were wondering, claiming that the federal government is  not representing the will of the people. Check it out for yourself.  Scroll down the page about 1/4 the way down. Now that's what I am talking about. I just hope that those states have the balls to enforce it if the messiah pushes them. 

I will leave you with a quote from Thomas Jefferson... 

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, such is the manure of life." 

You can decide what that means for yourself, I have my own ideas.

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