Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why American Idol is destroying America.

When American Idol started this year, I have to admit that I was somewhat looking forward to having fun two times a week at someone else's expense. But it has gone too far. Think about it. Most of the people that are showcased within the first few weeks are freaks!  And I have no problem with your everyday garden variety freak that does not know, or understand that they are a freak, hell I think they're down right hilarious. The problem I have is that now you have jackasses that are trying to act like freaks just so they can have their fifteen minutes of fame. Even a bigger problem is that other countries think these people are representative of this country. That is why the terrorists win! We might as well give up now and start praising allah. What I really do not understand is that this show is in it's seventh season and you still get the retards(and I can say that, my uncle is retarded.) that have been told by their friends and family their whole lives that they are wonderful, beautiful, talented, and blah, blah, blah, blah. When what they really needed was to be told that they suck and should just try an concentrate on breathing and becoming a viable contributor to society instead of a drain on it. These people are proof positive that we, as a society, praise mediocrity. But when someone truly great comes along they are beaten back so as not to upset the people that suck and make them feel bad. WHAAA!!! This kind of crap would never fly in North Korea. I got it!!! North Korean Idol, of you suck and do not realize it and audition anyway, you are executed on the spot! Sounds like a good time to me, I would watch. So the moral of the story is, if somebody you know sucks at something, don't blow smoke up their ass. Tell them they suck. Especially if their your kids, do not encourage them to suck on national t.v..  Some people are destined to have a job with their name on their shirt, and thats ok. Who else is going to make me my triple mocha frappa lappa leche coffee thingy?

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