Thursday, September 25, 2008

Soldiers are dying for this???!!!!

First off I would like to address the why I have not blogged in a looonggg time. First, I think that, bloggers in and of themselves are pretentious windbags that write just so they can pleasure themselves to the sound of their own fat, multiple key hitting fingers clacking away at their Mac that they bought because it is the cool thing to do, and they want to define themselves as a maverick, straying from the herd in PC ownership. Little do they know they only moved from one herd to another. For those that say, in an ear piercing shriek"well why are you blogging then asshole?" Well,you 'll just have to deal with that one on your own.

The other reason is, I finally escaped the socialist, soon to become northern mexico(I didn't capitalize it on purpose, eat it mexico!), invaded state of California. I re-located to the east coast and I absolutely love it. Though, I do have to get used to the Southern/Eastern vernacular. And now onto the message.

I recently received a video from my Father that he knew I just had to see and comment on. So I am going too, and I will more than likely take in a direction that most would not think of, and probably piss a lot of people off in the process. To those people I would like to extend my deepest sympathy's for your retardeness. Go away and get a sense of humor.
By now a lot of will be familiar with this video, for those who have not seen it, here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Emotional Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees - Watch more free videos

First thing that comes to mind? The immortal words of Cartman.., "Goddamn Hippies!". And here are a few more about dirty hippies.
  • They're not people, they're hippies!
  • They're hippies, they don't have any money!
  • [When asked by Chef why drugs are bad] I know. Drugs are bad because if you do drugs, you're a hippie. And hippies suck.
  • I've kept this town free of hippies since I was five and a half.
  • Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
  • Naw dude, Independent films are those black and white hippy movies. They're always about gay cowboys eating pudding.
  • Dolphins, eskimos, who cares? It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.
  • Yea, hippie and a terrorist is the same thing.
  • San Francisco is the breeding ground of hippies!
Look, I am all for freedom of speech and expression, and all the other stuff that those brave men and woman are fighting for. But this is going to far. These dirty hippies are not only making themselves look like total douche bags, but they are also making Americans look retarded because we allow them to wail at their precious trees, all while they are wearing cotton clothes and not worrying about the feelings of those poor poor cotton plants. In any real country that has not spent the last 100 years figuring out ways to help save the weaker species of the population , these oxygen wasters would have died or been exterminated a loonngg time ago.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why American Idol is destroying America.

When American Idol started this year, I have to admit that I was somewhat looking forward to having fun two times a week at someone else's expense. But it has gone too far. Think about it. Most of the people that are showcased within the first few weeks are freaks!  And I have no problem with your everyday garden variety freak that does not know, or understand that they are a freak, hell I think they're down right hilarious. The problem I have is that now you have jackasses that are trying to act like freaks just so they can have their fifteen minutes of fame. Even a bigger problem is that other countries think these people are representative of this country. That is why the terrorists win! We might as well give up now and start praising allah. What I really do not understand is that this show is in it's seventh season and you still get the retards(and I can say that, my uncle is retarded.) that have been told by their friends and family their whole lives that they are wonderful, beautiful, talented, and blah, blah, blah, blah. When what they really needed was to be told that they suck and should just try an concentrate on breathing and becoming a viable contributor to society instead of a drain on it. These people are proof positive that we, as a society, praise mediocrity. But when someone truly great comes along they are beaten back so as not to upset the people that suck and make them feel bad. WHAAA!!! This kind of crap would never fly in North Korea. I got it!!! North Korean Idol, of you suck and do not realize it and audition anyway, you are executed on the spot! Sounds like a good time to me, I would watch. So the moral of the story is, if somebody you know sucks at something, don't blow smoke up their ass. Tell them they suck. Especially if their your kids, do not encourage them to suck on national t.v..  Some people are destined to have a job with their name on their shirt, and thats ok. Who else is going to make me my triple mocha frappa lappa leche coffee thingy?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A rational Look at "Global Warming".

                     I was sitting at my parent’s house Christmas afternoon freezing my ass off in 9 below weather watching it snow outside, as it has for the last few days I have been here, and it brought a thought to mind. Obviously these people who spew rhetoric about global warming live somewhere where it does not readily snow, or drop below freezing. Because, if they did they would not have global warming on their minds when they walk outside and their snot freezes inside their bulbous, whiskey reddened nose…. Ted K. This experience of snot freezing gave me the idea to write about something I feel exceptionally passionate about. The rational argument that is… Dun Dun Dun! GLOBAL WARMING!!! So I thought I would write about global warming from rational point of view. No politics, or activist rhetoric. No talking points spewed from the asses of big oil, and yada yada yada. Global warming as thought of from a totally rational point of view.

Fir                 First of lets define exactly what we are talking about. I am talking strictly about man made global warming, and the effects it is having on our eco system, and our economy. Lets take the first big talking point most people use to prove that man made global warming is real. “The summer seems to be getting hotter and hotter.” “This is the hottest month, week, day, hour, or minute on record.” Lets take the first quote and break it down. The summers seem hotter than usual. Think about it, when you were younger you were busy playing and running around like whirling dervishes. You had no time to stop and think about how hot it was outside. As you get older, you start to notice that the summers seem to get hotter; when in actuality you are becoming more sensitive to the weather changes between spring, summer, and winter. Now you are probably saying to yourself that this idea is the stupidest thing you’ve heard of. But before you shut off you brain just think about it. You are old and sensitive. Get over it. Next are the temperature records. We are always hearing how this month is the hottest month on record. You know why they always say on record and not a certain timetable? Because accurate records did not exist over a hundred years ago, and who is to say that their method of temperature taking did not include a cow, a stick, and a piece of string. How can we expect to believe that this year was the hottest year on record when, more than likely, those temperatures do not go back more than a hundred years. As far as I know the Earth is older than a hundred years. So who is to say that 500 years ago, the month of October was the hottest month on record? Now that would reflect a major warming trend. Also, how many of you remember the Time magazine covers that warned of the impending doom that was a global ice age in the 1970’s? Now I am not nearly old enough to remember this, hell, my dad was still in high school. But he cannot forget the fact that this idea of a new ice age coming that was supposed to kill millions, and cause a collapse of the economy, as we knew it, was readily taught in, or should I say, as social studies. This is the purest example of fundamentalist environmentalists. Go from one global crisis to another just to keep the spotlight on your little tree-hugging group so you feel more important than my morning constitutional.

An               And as for all this emissions crap everybody is spewing about how we need to drive environmentally friendly vehicles, and change all our bulbs in our houses over to CFL’s. I say bullshit. Why should we buy crappy looking hybrids that cost way too much for the amount of savings that vehicle will supposedly yield. Hey, when the pompous bureaucrats of this country turn in their massive SUV’s for a cute little Prius, and then make all state officials and emergency personnel drive Hybrids, then I might think about it. Why will this never happen? It’s not practical. Can you imagine a police chase involving hybrids? Please!!  Cops will never drive hybrids, period end of story. As for me, I will stick with my big ass fuel guzzling diesel truck.

Also,        why is everybody so up in arms about the “rising” CO2 levels? Have you ever noticed CO2 is the only gas anybody ever mentions when talking about “Global Warming”? Why is this important again? If I remember correctly, and I might not so bear with me, don’t trees, flowers, and all the freaking plants on this planet live off CO2? Without it they would die! Maybe these activists were just bad at chemistry and mean to say CO, which is Carbon Monoxide, the main by product of any fossil fuel burning vehicle. But just in case they do mean CO2, the only reason I can think of to explain the rising CO2 level is the Sierra Club, and other anti-American groups that refuse to let logging companies to do their job and cut down trees. This is a very complicated subject, but basically when a tree hits a certain age the process of taking in CO2 and expelling O2 reverses. This is a natural process of decay.

     Now lets take the biggest argument that “global warming” activists spew. “The polar ice caps are melting, and polar bears are drowning.” (Said in an effeminate voice.) Now, I am sure you have all see the picture of the “drowning” Polar Bears. If not here it is. It was a big lie. They were not drowning, but playing. Anyway, these yahoos are saying the polar ice caps are melting, and that the ocean is going to rise by twenty feet by 2025. Oh come on Al, you have got to be kidding me. Did you actually do any research before making that best used as a Frisbee flick? Because if you did you would have found out that yes, the North Pole has diminished in size by about a third. But, the South Pole has almost doubled in size. Now how can this be if the planet is warming significantly? It couldn’t. So a significant change in the global climate caused by man is impossible.  Before taking someone’s word for pure gospel, do a little research.

" In a world of the blind, the one eyed man will be KING." -- Bonaduce