The other reason is, I finally escaped the socialist, soon to become northern mexico(I didn't capitalize it on purpose, eat it mexico!), invaded state of California. I re-located to the east coast and I absolutely love it. Though, I do have to get used to the Southern/Eastern vernacular. And now onto the message.
I recently received a video from my Father that he knew I just had to see and comment on. So I am going too, and I will more than likely take in a direction that most would not think of, and probably piss a lot of people off in the process. To those people I would like to extend my deepest sympathy's for your retardeness. Go away and get a sense of humor. By now a lot of will be familiar with this video, for those who have not seen it, here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Emotional Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees - Watch more free videos
First thing that comes to mind? The immortal words of Cartman.., "Goddamn Hippies!". And here are a few more about dirty hippies.
- They're not people, they're hippies!
- They're hippies, they don't have any money!
- [When asked by Chef why drugs are bad] I know. Drugs are bad because if you do drugs, you're a hippie. And hippies suck.
- I've kept this town free of hippies since I was five and a half.
- Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
- Naw dude, Independent films are those black and white hippy movies. They're always about gay cowboys eating pudding.
- Dolphins, eskimos, who cares? It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.
- Yea, hippie and a terrorist is the same thing.
- San Francisco is the breeding ground of hippies!