with the blood of patriots and tyrants,
such is the manure of life."
-Thomas Jefferson
I was sent a very interesting video today, and frankly I am excited about it. I think this brave American has got it right.
I truly believe that if the government does not shape up and understand that what they are doing is categorically wrong, unconstitutional, and in direct violation to the principles our founding fathers built this country on; there is going to be some type of revolt, revolution, uprising; or whatever you want to call it. It will happen, and it seems as if the longer it sits back and builds up, the more violent it will be when it finally explodes.
Do some research on what this country was founded on, and you will see that our government is far from that. Our goverment works for us, elected officials are there only to express the will of the PEOPLE, not to force the people to conform to whatever new hollywood fad that will get their sorry asses elected again! So many people have it all wrong as shown here.
I know it takes a little to get into, but the underlying problem is the concept of pledging to serve the president, when he should be serving you.
"If we make peaceful revolution impossible,
then we make violent revolution inevitable."
-John F. Kennedy